Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Build Muscle Quickly- The Natural Athlete's Way To Adding Muscle Mass

It's not even a question about whether we want to build muscle quickly or not. Of course we want to, we want everything quick. Given the choice, why would we ever want something to take longer than it needs to? With as much effort as it takes to build muscle and lose fat, the sooner we see results, the better.

If you look at the average person though, they build muscle either very slowly, or not at all. The average gym may be one of the most inefficient and non-productive places on the

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

You Can't Out Exercise A Bad Diet

No matter what type of diet or what type of exercises that you are doing, losing weight all comes down to creating a caloric deficit. To do this you can decrease your calories by eating less or exercising more. Between the two, decreasing your calories through diet is by far the best way to cause a calorie deficit. In reality, you just can't out exercise a bad diet.

The problem that most people have is that they grossly overestimate the amount of calories that they burn through exercising.

Fitness Overhaul ...

Here's One of My Favorite High Protein Recipes

On the days that I am not fasting, I still try and eat fairly well. This is a switch from just a few months ago. I think losing fat and starting to see some real results has inspired me to eat better all the time. I usually don't eat after dinner, but when I do, I try and keep it pretty healthy without any empty calories. A few years ago, we bought one of those Vitamix blenders at the home show in Pittsburgh. Me and my wife are suckers for whatever new gadgets come out and usually buy something

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Intermittent Fasting Makes Las Vegas Funner?

I just got back from a little four day trip with my oldest son to Las Vegas. He will be graduating college in May from Penn State and we went out to spend some time together just me and him. We had a great time and as I usually do on vacation, I ate and drank whatever I wanted. I didn't overindulge, but I didn't hold back either.

Here's a shot from outside of the Hard Rock Cafe on the last night that we were in Vegas, what a cool place! If you like music, you should check it out.

When I

Fitness Overhaul ...

My Legs Are Killing Me!

Well if you see me walking like a penguin, it's because my legs are killing me! I have been following Craig Ballantyne's turbulence training for the last eight weeks and have had some incredible results with it. I have been doing strictly bodyweight exercises, and concentrated on losing fat instead of gaining size or getting stronger. It has been a nice break from pounding the weights and I feel better than ever. At 41, I don't feel the need to squat 500 lbs anymore, and I think my knees will

Fitness Overhaul ...

Friday, August 20, 2010

What's The best Way to Get in Shape Quick?

In todays world of instant gratification and low attention spans, people want to get in shape quick, once they decide on fitness as a goal. Nobody wants to wait for anything and if it takes too long for results, they will forget why they even started to exercise in the first place! There are many ways to get in shape and the definition of "in shape" is really a matter of opinion. Depending on how much weight you need to lose or muscle you need to build, you may or may not be able to do it

Fitness Overhaul ...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Training Partner Is Missing Again!

I got a text from my training partner just before I left my house around 5:00 AM this morning. It said, "Don't be too pissed, but I had a rough night and am not coming to the gym." This wasn't really a big deal because he usually misses two or three workouts every month. I'm used to it by now.

I used to get a little mad and was going to quit training with him because he is so undependable. I finally just quit letting it bother me and if he shows up, fine, and if he doesn't that's fine too.

Fitness Overhaul ...

The Key To Weight Loss And Gaining Muscle

Okay, I'm going to give you the key to weight loss and gaining muscle. In fact, I'm going to give you the key to achieving just about anything you want in life!

Ready? The key to all of your weight loss and muscle building goals is consistency. That's it. Just consistency. Think about this for a minute. If you consistently workout and follow your diet plan, regardless of what you do, you will eventually get to where you want to go.

If you start a new workout or fitness plan and then quit

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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Body Weight Training: Try This to Make Your Gym Workouts Better

Body weight training has become very popular lately and in my opinion for good reason. It is an easy and effective way to train your body without the need for a gym membership, any expensive equipment, or even a lot of room at your house. If you currently go to a gym and like lifting weights, you don't have to miss out on the benefits of body weight training. I have been incorporating it in to my gym workouts as well as weights and it has been working incredibly well.

[Body weight training

body weight training

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Don't Beat Yourself Up If You Miss A Workout . . . Or Two.

Being a father of three, business owner, and husband, there are plenty of things going on in my life. Certain days, I just can't make it to the gym or miss a workout for whatever reason.

The days that I don't make it to the gym, the people that train at the same time always take notice and love to harass me about it the next time I am there. The reason they make such a big deal about it is because it is so rare. I make a point of not missing workouts although it doesn't always work as

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Maintain It Once You Get It!

With everyone's busy schedule nowadays, most of us just don't have the time or energy to work our butts off in the gym all year. The best way to train for me is to work hard for 3 months or so and then back off and enjoy life. This works great when getting ready for the beach! Of course you still need to train and eat reasonably, I just think that you need to relax some and reward yourself. If you try to go balls to the wall and ramp it up all the time, you will burn yourself out, not to

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

There is No One Size Fits All Cardio Routine

Cardio is cardio, right? Does it really matter what you do or how long you do it?

Yes, it matters a great deal! But don't worry because you don't need to know everything about it, you just need to know what will work for you depending on your current level of fitness and your diet.

[Here is a couple doing cardio on a nice day. Being from Pittsburgh, we don't get these type of days as much as I would like! It is always great to spend time outside though.]

Don't make it harder than it

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The Boogey Man (Starvation Mode) is Gonna Get You!

I remember around six or seven years ago, I read about the "starvation mode". From my understanding of it; if you cut your calories too much, your body will slow your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight. Also, if you don't eat enough each day, you will lose all of your hard earned muscle. I have talked to people in the gym about this and some people are so afraid that this is the way to base your diet, that they won't even consider anything else.

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